Providing two thirds of MPs agree in a vote, we learned today that there will be a General Election in June. General Elections score highly on entertainment value, as do weak opposition parties, but how much do they really tell us about the true power of society's political feelings? The answer is, not as much as you may think.
Arrow’s theorem, which I blogged about recently, shows a fundamental fly in the voting ointment – that is, while we as individuals can have properly ordered preferences, society cannot so easily, because society as a whole has no real coherence when those preferences are aggregated. If I'm in the CD store, I'd prefer The Smashing Pumpkins to Sonic Youth, and Sonic Youth to Pearl Jam, which means, quite naturally, I prefer The Smashing Pumpkins to PearlJam. Now if Radiohead were
introduced into the mix, I'd prefer Radiohead as first choice, which would
change my CD preference. In other words, I'd prefer The Smashing Pumpkins CD to
the Sonic Youth CD, but by introducing Radiohead, I'll probably end up with the
Radiohead CD.
Arrow’s theorem, which I blogged about recently, shows a fundamental fly in the voting ointment – that is, while we as individuals can have properly ordered preferences, society cannot so easily, because society as a whole has no real coherence when those preferences are aggregated. If I'm in the CD store, I'd prefer The Smashing Pumpkins to Sonic Youth, and Sonic Youth to Pearl Jam, which means, quite naturally, I prefer The Smashing Pumpkins to Pearl
But here's where it gets
strange. Introducing Radiohead may naturally mean I now prefer Radiohead to The
Smashing Pumpkins, but it shouldn't change the fact that I prefer The Smashing
Pumpkins to Sonic Youth, or Sonic Youth to Pearl Jam. But in society things change,
because the aggregation of individual preferences into social preferences
brings about strange results, whereby, if we stick with the CD store analogy,
society may prefer The Smashing Pumpkins to Sonic Youth, but may prefer Sonic
Youth to The Smashing Pumpkins if Radiohead are introduced. If society prefers
The Smashing Pumpkins to Sonic Youth, then whether Radiohead are an option
shouldn't change that fundamental preference - but it does.
So, in politics, you have
all these strange things going on, where society might prefer the Labour to the
Lib Dems, but with the introduction of the Greens they prefer the Lib Dems to
Labour. Or where society might prefer Bernie Sanders to Donald Trump, but with
Hillary Clinton in the mix they prefer Donald Trump to Bernie Sanders.
Perhaps the main reason
that society as a whole has no real coherence when those preferences are
aggregated is that our revealed choices do not
zoom in very closely on the strength of feeling behind those choices. A vote
for UKIP (like a vote for Brexit) doesn’t capture whether the voter is a
xenophobic knucklehead who wants England to be like the 1950s again, or whether
the voter is an intelligent and tolerant astrophysicist who simply want less
bureaucracy and more free trade. A vote for the Green candidate doesn’t capture
whether it’s a conscientious attempt to help save the woodlands, or whether
it’s a protest vote against Labour and the Lib Dems - that sort of thing.
Societal preferences in
the form of votes do not convey the strength of feeling; they only convey
general preferences where if one candidate is successful another one isn't.
They don't convey the fact that a quarter of the Green voters are swinging
voters or half of the Conservative voters are dyed in the wool, or that there
are more people that hate UKIP in the Labour voting camp than there are people
that hate Labour in the UKIP camp. These are the strengths of feeling in
society that are never properly captured, and as such, the party political
demographic that occupies Westminster is merely a
shadow of society's political and economic views and feelings.