In terms of distribution
of intelligence across the nation, rather than the assumed normal distribution - a Gaussian
bell curve of intelligence (as above) - I think the distribution of people in the UK would
more closely resemble the Boltzmann distribution (see below), where on the horizontal axis
0.1 is the lowest level of intelligence and 7 is a genius.
This is quite intriguing,
given that as a rule, approximately 68% of measured values (be they height,
weight, blood pressure, and so on) fall within one standard deviation of the
mean; approximately 95% of the values fall within two standard deviations from
the mean; and a whopping 99.7% of all values fall within three standard
deviations from the mean (also illustrated in the image above).
1 - 25 (50%)
26 - 50 (30%)
51 - 75 (15%)
76 - 100 (5%)
(It's possible these figures might need slightly adjusting, but not by much).
Anyway, the result is definitely not a bell curve. Compare that to say, height or weight - these are bell curves because most of the adult population fall between 4ft 9 and 6ft 7, and 5 stone and 21 stone, which means the bell curve peaks at the average of those ranges and slopes downwards either side with a few rare cases outside of that range. Human intelligence appears not to follow the same patterns as weight and height, even though I think the average member of the public, strewn with democratic and egalitarian aspirations, would like to think differently.
Anyway, the result is definitely not a bell curve. Compare that to say, height or weight - these are bell curves because most of the adult population fall between 4ft 9 and 6ft 7, and 5 stone and 21 stone, which means the bell curve peaks at the average of those ranges and slopes downwards either side with a few rare cases outside of that range. Human intelligence appears not to follow the same patterns as weight and height, even though I think the average member of the public, strewn with democratic and egalitarian aspirations, would like to think differently.
But what makes it an even
more interesting phenomenon is that in all likelihood random walk is implicated
in many of the exponentially decaying statistics one sees - and even though the
intelligence curve isn't symmetrical, it is still possible that a random walk
model can account for some of the underlying statistical mechanics.
The general form of random
walk arises because parameters and measurements are affected by multiple
causes. Take nightclubbing as an example. Suppose in Norwich
city centre in 2016 there is a sample group that regularly parties down Prince
of Wales
Road and averages to the value of n.
If we take a month, say
July - each member of that group may go out partying in July. Once the causes
that affect people's decision to go out are factored in, we can see many
instances where n changes. If a person decides to go out partying, that amounts
to a kind of step to the right; that is, it affects n by +1.
However. if a person
doesn't go partying in July, that counts as a step to the left - meaning n-1. So
assuming all the causes are independent, what we have is something that
resembles a random walk-like scenario, hence, partying attendance statistics, when taken
over the year, will start to follow a "bell" pattern.
However that won't
necessarily be symmetrical, because there may also be exogenous influences at
work. For example during certain times of the year, after Christmas, and the
subsequent two or three months there will be a bias toward the lower end.
Conversely, when it's a hot summer weekend, a bank holiday, or there's a major event
in the city, the opposite will happen.
To understand why
intelligence is Boltzmannian, not Gaussian, you have to understand that "biased"
random walks are highly likely to return non-symmetrical curves. The Boltzmann
distribution, which measures frequency distributions of particles over various
possible states, arises in atmospheric density with altitude results of random
walking molecular motions where there is imposed a maximum energy constraint on
the atmosphere (this is due to energy conservation).
If the walk is moving into
a space where the density of points in the space varies from place to place one
again gets non-symmetry. So given that
human mental resources are limited, it could well be that the intelligence
curve is a Boltzmann curve on the leeward side because human mental resources
are subject to conservation laws, as well as being 'biased' towards the lower
end of the intelligence spectrum - something we don't see in height or weight, which
returns the bell curve pattern with the average at the peak of the curve.