P1: Before
creation, God, possessing omniscience, omnipotence, and omnibenevolence, would
have an infinite number of possible creation stories available to Him.
P2: Given God’s omni-properties, He would necessarily create the best of all possible creation stories.
P3: Our current earthly existence, taken in isolation, does not appear to be the best of all possible creation stories (e.g., it includes suffering, evil, and imperfection).
C1: Therefore, the best of all possible creation stories must encompass more than our earthly existence - it must include the entire story, including the eternal narrative.
P4: A necessary component of the best possible creation story is the opportunity for creatures to experience the best of God within the context of their creation.
P5: The best way for creatures to experience God is to be in relationship with Him, as relationship reflects His nature (truth, love, grace, etc.).
P6: A relationship between finite, imperfect creatures and an infinite, perfect God requires that God initiate and provide the means for that relationship.
P7: Christianity teaches that God made relationship possible through Christ’s incarnation, suffering, death, resurrection, and the provision of the Holy Spirit.
C2: Therefore, Christianity uniquely offers the conditions for the best possible creation story, providing both the means to relate to God and the opportunity to live a virtuous, God-centred life.
P8: The best life a person can live is one where they prioritise God and His qualities and virtues (truth, love, grace, humility, kindness, generosity, etc.).
C3: Christianity provides the best evidence for God and the best framework for living a truthful, meaningful, virtuous life.
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