Thursday 20 June 2024

It’s The Dark Spirit That Desecrates The Sacred


To elaborate on a point I made earlier on social media about how the shame of people who are willing to desecrate the sacred. The reason we view things as sacred is that they are human expressions of reality’s majestic phenomena that are too profound to fully capture – like the sense of the numinous and the ineffable wonder that drifts in and amongst physical reality. Sacred art is our attempt to capture hints of Divine things. It is also an outward expression of an inner will to transcend the everyday routines and convey a sense of awe and appreciation for grander, metaphysical conceptions that offer the deepest sense of gratitude for how astounding reality can be. 

Sacred art, literature, poetry and architecture are like portals into transcendent realms that present ideals to which we should all aspire. That’s why goodness, beauty, and awe are some of the few things in life that can unite us across political and ideological divides. When you have a sense of wonder for a profound act of goodness, or for a thing of genuine beauty in the natural world, it unites in a shared experience and speaks at a level far beyond your political leanings or ideological standpoints.

Consequently, when you see the horrid Just Stop Oil cult members spoiling sacred artefacts and historical works of art, these aren’t just anti-oil or anti-capitalism protests, they are invocations of the most base and incorrigible spirits of darkness known to humankind. To desecrate the sacred is to exclaim to the world that your heart is corrupt and your mind is poisoned; it is to place yourself in opposition to humanity’s most profound attempts to reflect the Divine. And when an individual sinks that low, that means hostility to love, goodness, grace, forgiveness, and even Divinity itself.

These egomaniacal acts of narcissism come straight from the pit of hell; acts of vandalism not just against physical objects, but against the highest ideals of all that is worthy, precious and beautiful. And slowly, day by day, all these selfish, entitled, thoughtless proponents of this idiotic cult are turning into little devils.

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