Thursday 27 June 2024

The Ten Rules of Cult Club

Whenever I’ve spent some time engaging cults (with Answers In Genesis being the most recent), I’ve inevitably found the same patterns of observation – almost always without fail. Here is my rough ‘Am I in a cult?’ top ten checklist: 

1)    The first rule of cult club is that you don’t know you’re in a cult.

2)    The second rule of cult club is that you’re made to feel guilty for even considering that there’s anywhere else you should be.

3)    The third rule of cult club is that any alternative viewpoint or meaningful connection you may explore from within the cult will be frowned upon as a sense of betrayal.

4)    The fourth rule of cult club is that it is everyone outside the group that is wrong, dishonest and corrupt, not you and your cult.

5)    The fifth rule of cult club is that if you stick with them, they ensure favour and protection against all those wrong, dishonest and corrupt outsiders.

6)    The sixth rule of cult club is that questioning the authority of the leadership is equated with wrong thinking and being seduced by falsehoods and untruths.

7)    The seventh rule of cult club is that leaving the cult means condemnation and ostracism from the community (or in extreme cases, threats and intimidation).

8)    The eighth rule of cult club is that they will eventually make you so comfortable in the cult that you’ll learn to enjoy dismissing and laughing at external attempts to appeal to evidence, reason and rational argument.

9)    The ninth rule of cult club is that aspiring status-mongerers within the cult will break away and form their own subset cult, invoking public shaming and repudiation.

10) The tenth rule of cult club is that if you doubt any of the previous 9 rules, you’re not really fully committed to the cult’s membership and cause.