Saturday 8 June 2024

All High Things Lead To God


The deeper we delve into reality on any positive epistemological or ontological path, the closer we get to the answer being God. We take things to their furthest conclusion, and the enquiry reaches a terminus where God is the most natural stopping place (this is the nature of what’s called Aseity). Here are four examples of what I mean, with obvious overlap between them –Truth, Morality Mathematics and Facts: 

1)     Truth: Any propositional statement that is true, leads to a further, more primary propositional statement that is true, and so on, until eventually we arrive at the most primary truth that explains all truths – which is God. 

2)     Morality: Any moral proposition leads to a further moral proposition about the truth of that moral proposition, and so on, until we eventually arrive at the concept of the highest of all morality – a goodness that is so high it comes to its natural origin in God, who is the ultimate good, and from whose goodness all other moral propositions find their metric. 

3)     Mathematics: Any mathematical statement can be superseded by a further higher mathematical statement, with seemingly no halting point, even at the uppermost end of the complexity spectrum. This leads us into a realm of cognitive complexity that can only reside in a Mind of sufficient higher order complexity – which is God. 

4)     Facts: Any factual statement about reality is causally linked to a more primary factual statement that explains the preceding fact, and so on, until we reach the fact that explains the existence of all other facts – which is God.

In summary, everything that is true, good, mathematical, rational, logical and factual, when pursued to its highest end, leads us to God as the ultimate explanation.