Monday 21 June 2021

The 5 Categories Of Facebook Users

Having been on Facebook for many years, and observed people’s habits, my observation is that by and large Facebook consists of roughly 5 categories of people.

The Joker: This person spends most of their time posting things to make other people laugh, but not much else.

The Evoker: This person almost exclusively puts up comments about their moods and feelings, their life with family and friends, and photos of associative events. They thrive most on relationships and connections

The Thought Provoker: The person who uses Facebook for almost nothing else except posting opinions and having debates, sharing and citing the occasional link or meme if it helps them post even more opinions and have even more debates.

The Stud Poker: This person is the silent lurker who very rarely (often never) posts anything of their own, but vicariously feeds off the posts of others. Their absence makes you forget they are there, but you can be sure they are watching your every move.

The Pipe Smoker: The rare person who regularly and comfortably encapsulates all of the above, and offers the full package of variety.

Look at your friends list and you'll see most of them fit into one of those categories. 😆