Monday 28 December 2015

My Best & Worst of 2015

Best Bar: The Playhouse

Best Restaurant: Toss up between Bill's and Roots

Best Food: Lamb Moussaka, Creamy mashed potatoes and Halloumi

Best Drink: Jack Daniels for nights out, Pineapple juice mixed with grenadine for nights in

Best Event: Going to Barcelona

Best Politician: Jacob Rees-Mogg

Worst Politician: Diane Abbott and the bloke she used to have relations with (UK). Donald Trump (US)

Best Social Commentator: Douglas Murray or Janet Daley (UK), Deirdre McCloskey (US)

Worst Social Commentator: Oh, pick one from Yasmin-Alihbia-Brown, Polly Toynbee, Owen Jones - the usual bunch.

Best City: London

Best TV Drama: Breaking Bad (hey, these are what I saw/read listened to in 2015)

Best TV Comedy: Catastrophe

Best Movie: Barney's Version

Best Music: Old favourites are always a pleasure, but good new music to my life this year has been Cinematic Orchestra and Yo La Tengo. 

Best Book: Matt Ridley's The Evolution of Everything

Best Magazine: The Spectator (Matt Ridley'sThe Climate Change Agenda is a Conspiracy Against the Pooris probably the best article I read there in 2015).

Best Blog: The Adam Smith Institute

Best Thing About 2015: New friendships and enhanced old ones, and continually having an exhilarated mind.

Worst Thing About 2015: It's been a really tough year, apart from those new friendships and enhanced old ones, and continually having an exhilarated mind.

All that leaves me to say is, thanks for being with me throughout 2015. Here's to more blog posts in 2016 - and I hope next year is a happy year for you all!